Sabtu, 10 September 2016

How to Eat Steak Properly in Table Manners

How to Eat Steak Properly in Table Manners - Steak is one of the culinary quite popular in any countries. Steak is a meat cut from a cow (or now be chicken and fish) which is then cured by burning in the embers, or burnt in the flame, in the oven, or even fried.
How to Eat Steak Properly in Table Manners
Based on the flesh and bones of cattle, beef steak can be divided into two according to the layout of meat on the cow's body, the sirloin and tenderloin. Other terms that refer to chuck, brisket, rib, plate, short loin, bottom loin, top sirloin, round and shank. All references are from the parts that have a character of its own beef. But that is quite popular is the sirloin and tenderloin steak.

Sirloin steak made of beef in the section near the rear before the back foot. Sirloin division there are three, namely the very top sirloin, top sirloin which was under tenderloin, sirloin and bottom which is mostly muscle under the top sirloin. Top sirloin is generally regarded as part of sirloin meat is most tender and delicious. Bottom sirloin is considered less preferred many people, because it is not too soft, and it does not feel. An excellent method to cook sirloin is by grilling.

Steak tenderloin is part of the cuts of beef that is located on the waist near the kidneys of cattle. The muscles in this area is not a lot of work, so that the meat is very tender. Because softer, beef tenderloin is usually the most sought after and prices tend to be more expensive than sirloin. Tenderloin is overall quite a bit reserved as a fillet, which is also sometimes called a tenderloin steak. It also can be sliced ​​with a different cut, usually done more toward the waist cow with a thickness of cutting one or two inches. Often these cuts simply referred to as filet mignon. Because of the softness and delicacy of filet mignon, steak is usually the most expensive in the restaurant. Beef tenderloin should only be cooked using dry heat methods such as baking and broiling.
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The number of combinations menu choice of steak what if presented with a hotplate very tempting. At present, in order to enjoy a steak does not have to cost a fortune. Even the sauce to make their own steak we can get at the supermarket. In contrast to earlier times in some countries, steak could only be consumed at a high enough price, usually in hotels or restaurants of luxury.

Although steak is a popular food still exists between us, but often we feel difficulty while eating a steak, which is difficult to use a knife and fork. Actually, to eat steak was no grip or special rules unless you eat steak in a special situation.
how to eat sirloin steak table manners

Enjoy a good steak meat and soft, for many people is not enough just to cut the steak correctly. To enjoy a good steak meat and soft, there are ways to cut the steak right.

Steak is usually served with a hotplate and presented in a state newly appointed heat from the grill. Allow the meat for three to five minutes, to distribute the meat broth is spread evenly, and also stretch the muscles of meat. Furthermore, the identification of the fiber in meat steak, can be viewed as a line that extends in a certain direction. Then use a butcher knife, and position the blade in the opposite direction with the fibers of meat, then slice thinly. With a thin cut of meat, meat fibers will become shorter, and this led to the texture of the meat more tender and easy to chew.

Steak is usually presented using a hot plate coupled with vegetables such as carrots, sweet corn, and beans. Cutlery provided is a knife and fork on the right side to the left. This means that before you eat, steak cut with a knife, then retrieved it with a fork and bite the mouth with the left hand.

But of course you do not have to necessarily follow the procedure of eating like that, though probably eat steak etiquette of the country it comes from is so.

For some people, eating with the left hand is not good to be seen and even one religion, such as Islam forbids eating with his left hand.

If you do not want to eat steak with your left hand, you can use another way to eat steak. First, cut off entirely steak knife with the right hand and the fork in the left. Cut the steak with a knife and hold it with a fork. After the cut in full, please put the knife, then you start to eat on the right hand with a fork that had been reversed in the left hand to right hand. So in this way you can eat a steak with the right hand.

how to eat round steak table manners
Typically, if you use the first method above, then automatically you will not wait for the feeding of the left hand, 'and do not want to eat with the left hand. Well, if so, you can also use the second way, ie with the fork in the right hand and the knife in the left hand. In this way you could cut the steak and eat it immediately without having to wait a whole cut of steak. When eating steak, do not forget to wait a while until the temperature of the heat down without breathed into it, before it began to eat his favorite steak.

In addition to this general way, by country of origin, there are two ways of eating steak, namely with the American style and European style. The procedure of eating steak American style and European style is not much different. In America, the right hand holding a knife and left hand holding a fork while holding a steak on a plate. Cut into small pieces of meat, then place the knife on the edge of the plate. After that, moving the fork to the right hand with the front side facing up. If you are left-handed, the position of the fork remains in the left hand with the front side facing up.

How to Eat Steak Well like Like a Boss

1. Put the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left
2. Hold the meat with a fork and small pieces using a knife
3. Put the knife and move the fork to the right hand start eating
4. The position of the fork facing upward when placing the meat into the mouth.

Almost the same as American style, in Europe the position of the knife was in his right hand and the fork in the left hand. The difference is, when I want to eat a piece of steak, the position of the fork remains in the left hand with the front side facing down. Meanwhile, the position of the knife remains in the right hands. After that, you can devour chunks of steak with a fork in the left hand position and the front side facing down.
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How to Eat Steak Well like European

1. Put the knife in the right hand and the fork in the left
2. Hold the meat with a fork and small pieces using a knife
3. While cutting, you can start eating
4. When the feeding into the mouth, the position of the fork are under

In America, after eating steak, place knife and fork side by side with the front fork side facing up. While in Europe, after eating steak, place knife and fork side by side with the front side of the fork facing down.
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While eating a steak, note the position of the body. Try to position your elbows close to your body, do not let your elbows wide to the side. Like the other eating a meal, while eating steak was advised not to speak in a state of a mouth full of food. It is considered disrespectful and may interfere with the comfort of visitors around.

Well, how to eat steak that is certainly not so difficult to put into practice not? You can select one of the favorite ways when eating steak later. Hope this article about How to Eat Steak Properly can help as a reference How to Eat Food in Table Manners

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